Sunday 8 January 2012

2011 resolutions...unkept

Last year I had 12 resolutions and it would appear that what they say about the best laid plans is true...

1. Ride Mary-anne more - I no longer have Mary-anne after she bonked me on the head and sent me to a&e and I decided to play it safe...
2. Save up for a deposit - Well I have made some savings in 2011 so that's a keeper
3. Save up a Cats' 'instead of insurance' fund. YES. done and done
4. Keep Running Regularly.Up to August this was true... after that not so much. But, I have reasons, I will explain in my next post
5. Don't Succumb to Politeness if Ever Faced with the Former Bridesmaid Again. No need to keep it yet
6. Get a masters, get funding for 3 years and start my phd.YES. This I achieved
7. Learn Something New: Latin.Er, no. I did not
8. Don't Rely on the TV to Get to Sleep. Nope. Nope...
9. Bake Something, Once a Month, in the Shape of Gingerbread Men, and Share it with my Brother, Jamie.Fail
10. Never Buy Bread From a Shop*.YES. I did this, and it is something I am most proud of. Getting a breadmaker helped a lot.
11. Grow My Vegetables More Efficiently.Garden was a fail this year :(
12. Once a Month, with Stuart, Cook a Home-Made, Joint Three-Course Meal.Another first half of the year yes, second half no kind of one

So I guess on the whole I failed but the most important were kept so that's okay. Keep posted for a proper post on resolutions at the end of the month, the lateness will be explained in the post ;)

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